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For Start-ups & Companies

Take advantage of the first "for impact" network in Switzerland. The Social Impact Catalyst serves as an innovation hub for financing impact-driven startups and companies. New financing instruments integrate financial returns with social impact, offering you multiple touchpoints with investors who provide access to funding solutions as well as valuable networking opportunities.

What to Expect:

  • Investment Readiness Program (5 days)

  • Support in setting up your (next) financing round

  • Investor Speed-Dating

  • Assistance throughout the deal-making process

  • Investors’ Day and final pitch to investor circle

  • Opportunity to win prize money by the ZKB Award

  • Coaching credits with industry experts

Process 2025


Ready for scale-up / take-off?

The program consists of five full-day modules designed to refine your growth strategies, including your business and impact models, as well as your financial planning for the upcoming financing round. Throughout the program, we will together work on and prepare your Deal Room, Investment Proposal, and Investor Pitch.

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Touchpoints with Investors

Networking with potential investors is key. Your first touchpoint is the matchmaking event at the conclusion of the five-day Investment Readiness program. The highlight are the Investors’ Day, where you will present your startup or company to investors and compete for the ZKB Award, complete with prize money.

Application requirements

FOCUS ON SOCIAL IMPACT Your company’s purpose lies in addressing a societal challenge. Through your product and / or service, you should be creating tangible value for both society and the planet. This impact can be located in the social, environmental, and/or cultural spheres, meaning your business model is closely linked to an impact model. A useful guiding question is: How does your company contribute to achieving the SDGs?

IMPACT GOALS Your intended societal impact should be clearly defined and outlined through specific impact goals, ideally supported by sound impact measurement.

Apply now!

With our support, you will find the right investors for your next steps.

MVP Your product and/or service should have already been developed and (market / customer) tested. Your focus now is on scaling and professionalization.

SCALING & SUSTAINABILITY You must have a clear growth plan and be on the path to professionalization. Necessary financing models for the right developmental steps to take will be initiated within the Social Impact Catalyst.

BASED IN SWITZERLAND Your company must be headquartered in Switzerland. Although your societal impact can extend beyond national borders, companies operating in Switzerland will be given priority.

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